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The present study examines the localization of the humanitarian response plans in Yemen during the years 2016 – 2017. It aims at exploring and analyzing the localization and its level of adoption by the internal and external humanitarian actors in Yemen. The methodological approach taken in this study is a mixed methodology based on quantitative and qualitative research design where a questionnaire was utilized to gather quantitative data and semi-structured interviews were used to collect additional insights from the targeted interviewees. Sources of the primary data of the present study are the questionnaires and the semi–structured in-depth interviews with representative individuals working for local and international humanitarian organizations operating in Yemen. Sources of the secondary data are the reports, plans, articles, audios, and videos released by the humanitarian actors in Yemen and other similar countries about the process of localization. Both UN Agencies and INGOs are considered as external actors whereas, Government Entities, LNGOs, and Private Sectors are considered as local actors.

The present study covered the entire Republic of Yemen in the period from 2016 to 2017. The major findings revealed by this study include the fact that the external actors exclusively control the process of designing the HRP and take charge in the implementation phase. Due to such rigid control exercised by the external actors, a full-fledged localization of the YHRP is still far from being achieved. If at all there exists such localization, it is still weak and primitive. Further, Internal actors’ level of knowledge about HRP and their level of engagement in its design process continues to be unequal with the level of knowledge and level of engagement of external actors and imbalance of these levels prevented the application of localization. Last but not least, the present
study identified three main challenges preventing the proper and effective adoption and implementation of localization of HRP in Yemen: viz. imbalance in power between internal and external actors, fragility and instability of the Yemeni context, and the weak capacity of internal actors compared with the external ones.
The present study calls for further collaboration and integration for internal actors in all the phases of HRP: planning, design, implementation and evaluation. More collaboration is needed between the local actors in Yemen, especially the private sector and the local non-government organization.

The potentials of the private sector are of immense proportions to localization and humanitarian response in Yemen, yet such potentials are not utilized to the fullest. All actors should be viewed as partners who strive to achieve one shared goal: the localization of HRP in Yemen. Keywords: Localization, Humanitarian Response Plan, Humanitarian Actors partnership, development